Statement of Support
Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT) is a voluntary supply chain security
initiative designed and overseen by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to build
cooperative relationships with the trade community to strengthen and improve overall supply
chain and border security.
In today’s global environment, the threat from terrorists, contraband smugglers, and cyber
criminals are more prevalent than ever before, with these bad actors creating new ways to
target our country and its citizens every day. The CTPAT program provides the trade
community with the opportunity to play a major role in the war against terror and to ensure a
more secure supply chain for employees, business partners, and customers.
Specialized Global Logistics, its executives, management, stakeholders, and employees are
committed to participation in the CTPAT program, and to creating, implementing, and following
practices and procedures that are consistent with the Minimum Security Criteria for U.S.
Highway Carriers. Specialized Global Logistics understands that only by meeting these criteria
can we ensure the security and integrity of our international supply chain.
As a participant in the CTPAT program, Specialized Global Logistics is committed to:
ï‚· Meeting all CTPAT Minimum Security Criteria for U.S. Highway Carriers and maintaining
the highest level of security standards at our facility(ies).
ï‚· Providing security guidelines and training to Specialized Global Logistics employees,
contractors, and service providers.
ï‚· Working with our international and domestic business partners to ensure supply chain
security practices are being followed from the point of origin through to the place of final
ï‚· Cooperating with CBP in its efforts to ensure supply chain security.
ï‚· Investigating and working to resolve any situation or significant event which may be
related to a breach in supply chain security and/or CTPAT criteria and reporting the
incident to the proper authorities.
ï‚· Reviewing and revising security practices and procedures on a regular basis.
ï‚· Providing a safe working environment for our employees, customers, vendors, and other
CTPAT impacts nearly every department within our organization, as well as outside parties such
as shippers and brokers. Specialized Global Logistics also recognizes that our international
business partners and supply chain logistics providers play a crucial role in maintaining supply
chain security. Specialized Global Logistics understands that supply chain security is
everyone’s responsibility, and as such, all employees, visitors, and relevant business partners
are expected to comply with the CTPAT criteria. Together, we can work towards total supply
chain security to ensure the United States remains safe and secure.
Mr. Daniel Hoppe
Chief Executive Officer
Specialized Global Logistics